I finished another banner device in September. I used felt again; it is so durable and doesn't fray, and I like working with it.
The motifs were sewn on first with tiny stitches. I went around the big motif with couched gilt cord and also added the same style of couching under the green panel at the top.

I used DMC cotton in split stitch to do the detail on the snails. I considered googly eyes, but added eyes on stalks in white cotton done in split stitch. I outlined the snails with black DMC floss, also in split stitch.
I added a white piece of felt on the back to cover the stitches and make the panel stronger.
These banners are a baronial project for my local SCA group. They have been created by members of the Barony to record the registration of heraldic devices by the populace. They look nice when put up at events, remind us of past members and old friends, encourage newer members to get their heraldry registered, and can be part of a fun 'guess the person' game.
Devices are listed under the devices of the Baron and Baroness in power at the time of registration. The blue panels are the oldest, followed by red and then white.