Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Rigid Heddle Weaving (Badly!)

Well, I picked up my rigid heddle weaving again for the first time since May. Who knew you could actually get worse at something than you were when you first started?! I'd like to blame the fact that I'm getting over a lingering case of walking pneumonia, but I honestly think it is just tiredness that is causing the errors. Even when I first started practicing, I noticed that I started to make mistakes after the first inch or so. So much for a speedy way of making trim! Oh well, I will keep plodding along...


  1. Perhaps your tiredness is *due* to the fact that you're recovering from walking pneumonia! Anyway, don't be too hard on yourself; you were only just learning rigid heddle weaving, then you got sick. Understandably, you lost ground. Just start over! I've started to learn (and got interrupted and had to start again) nalbinding three times now. Next time when I get back to it will be the fourth! Persevere!

  2. You're probably right. I will keep going with it :-)
